Sunday, 25 November 2018

THW Separate Art From the Artist

Hello all! This was a very special debate this week. This week we had 8 speakers, all of whom only started speaking this term, come together and debate in order to discover which of them is the best Maiden Speaker of the 170th Session. Who will live up to the name of the founder, E.L. Godkin? 

Now, enjoy the motion: 

"This House Would Separate Art From the Artist."

Speeches start at 00:31:57. 

Join us next week for our joint debate on autonomous weapons with QCS. 

Sunday, 18 November 2018

THB Children are the Property of The State

Hello again! The Literific met once again this Thursday, gathering over 50 members in the Senate Room to discuss the issue of children and to what extent we hate the wee oiks. Then, we realised the Children's Commissioner for NI, Koulla Yiasouma, was our guest chair and settled on the motion:

"This House Believes Children Are the Property of the State"

Speeches start at 00:47:16. 

Join us again next week for our special Godkin debate. 

Sunday, 11 November 2018

THB Sex Positivity Has Gone Too Far

Well, isn't this a naughty little debate. On Thursday 8 November over 80 people gathered in the Senate Room to discuss the motion: 

"This House Believes Sex Positivity Has Gone Too Far."

Speeches Start at 00:33:22

Sunday, 4 November 2018

THB Remains Have No Rights

Hello again! Welcome to our first joint debate of the year, co-hosted by the lovely folks over at the QUB Archaeology Society. We gathered as usual in the Senate Room to discuss whether the dead have rights worth considering. Folks, I introduce you to:

"This House Believes Remains Have No Rights"

Speeches start at 00:41:04.

Join us next week for our debate on sex positivity and whether or not is has outstayed its welcome.